March 1, 2007
Perusing Google News this morning brought more blurbs about the “battle” over the latest funding request (or, if you like, demand) for the continuing occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Of course, this is not news to you. The reason I mention it is that while busy this morning attending to the humdrum maintenance activities of life I had some time to ponder these things a bit more than usual. The thing that made the thoughts of this morning different were, instead of thinking about the politics of it all, I found myself dwelling on the money.
Specifically, the word “billions.”
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I’ll confess that until recently I didn’t know very much of Gov. Jim Gibbons other than something overheard or read in passing having to do with “that waitress thing.”
Oh hell, now I have to go out and read some stuff. At least I can’t say it wasn’t interesting reading .
In the interest of terrible punnery, I would be remiss if I didn’t add that following my brief review of the man, it was with some Treppid -ation that I found myself heading over read some more “official” words from the state website .
(I know that was terrible, I’ll try not to do it again)
Continue reading “Learning about Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons” »
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February 20, 2007
From the 2003 presidential race in Argentinia.
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My favorite quote of the past couple of weeks…
“Money trumps… Peace”
$450 Million and we can talk…
That’s the price tag of the stadium the NBA is demanding Vegas build before it will even consider gracing the city with its presence again. I for one hope the city considers building this since a state of the art stadium will help the city stay on (or near) top in the increasingly competitive global entertainment market. (I’m looking at you Macau). [LVRJ]
Presidential Hopefuls and Media Elite swarm over Nevada… no one really paying much attention.
Bill Richardson, Wolf Blitzer, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and even “I’m too good for Nevada” Barrak Obama are all descending on the State in various ways. Vegas-centric to this – Edwards, appeared on Bill Maher from Las Vegas and Wolf Blitzer camped in front of the Venetian for a couple of board-casts and Interviews. [Sun]
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February 15, 2007
I consider myself a libertarian. Besides allowing me to wear a tinfoil hat with pride, that means most of my political concerns are based around freedom. I’m for free speech and free trade, but not a free lunch, because anyone who groks his Heinlein knows there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Thanks to the wonders of the internet I know that there are a lot of other similarly-minded people out there in this world, but sometimes I still feel like a political outsider in the Land of the Free. These feelings are only amplified when I look at the approach our elected officials take to the issues most important to me.
Take free trade, for instance. The people in power in America who claim to support free trade are worse than lukewarm on this issue; they want to have it both ways. You can start at the top and work your way down – President Bush has declared his support for free trade in foreign nations like Peru, but he has also imposed tariffs protecting steel mills in states vital to his re-election. Plenty of lower-level officials mimic the behavior of the Commander-in-Chief, too, trumpeting the importance of world markets to their pet industries until those markets threaten their political lives. I could go a long way down this road – and at some point in the future I will – but today I have something particular in mind.
Anyone who follows gambling-related news knows about the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006. For those of you in the dark, the UIGEA outlaws the use of third-party payment processors to transfer funds from US citizens’ bank accounts to online gambling institutions. The bill was passed as a rider to a port security bill last fall, rammed through at the last second as a political ploy by then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee. The bill’s effects are only now beginning to be felt. Most of the legitimate foreign-based online payment processors, such as the London Stock Exchange-listed Neteller PLC, have left the US market, and any CEO who dares to stay in the market risks arrest if they’re caught stepping foot in the US. As a result, many online gaming sites have been left in the lurch, despite online gambling having never been expressly outlawed in the US. The only legal online gambling left in the US are horse racing and state lotteries, whose lobbyists helped get them an exemption from the legislation.
It’s the last part here that’s most relevant to the free trade issue. Many online gambling sites are based in Europe, and the European Union – many of whose members, including the United Kingdom, are much more accepting of online gambling – isn’t taking too well to the prospect of the UIGEA tanking what the EU considers legitimate businesses while US-based online gambling interests could set up shop. In fact, the EU is starting to grumble about making a case before the World Trade Organization that the US is engaging in protectionism. This probably wouldn’t be such a big deal if the tiny Caribbean nation of Antigua hadn’t won a ruling against the US at the WTO back in 2003 when it argued that the US was engaged in protectionism over exactly the same issue. (The WTO is set to hand down a ruling on the case later this year.)
Before the passage of the UIGEA, some of the biggest proponents of banning online gambling in the US accepted donations from domestic gambling interests. Harrah’s Entertainment, for instance, was listed as the 13th-largest donor to Frist’s re-election campaign in 2000. Then there’s Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, whose second-largest donor was the National Thoroughbred Racing Association. Both of these men tended to vote for free trade agreements in general, but they made protecting their donors from global competition a priority. (Frist didn’t run for re-election in 2006, but Goodlatte is still in action.)
So what we have here is a case of US politicians wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Until now there have been trade repercussions for protectionism, but never any major political repercussions. If the WTO rules against the US in the Antigua case and the EU subsequently decides to throw its weight around, the ball will be back in the US politicians’ court. Will they continue to support free trade, choosing to work out a way to help everyone win? Or will they turn their backs on it to continue currying favor with political donors? And more importantly, what will the political impact of the quick-passage UIGEA be if a world body tells the US to play fair?
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January 31, 2007
Just when those “ethical” Democrats have barely stopped celebrating their wins in Congress, their Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, gets dirty in another land scandal dustup. In an article in the L.A. Times the history of another sweet deal for Harry is exposed. A brief rundown goes like this:
Harry and his buddy of over 50 years, Claire Haycock, a lubricant distributor (remember this part), purchase a parcel of land in Arizona sometime between 1979 qne 1982 for about $1,500 an acre.
Haycock puts his share in a pension plan trust.
California investors buy the property for $8,400 an acre in the ’90’s but default a few years later, and the property reverts back to Reid and Haycock.
In the mid-1990s, Reid tried several times for legislation to protect lubricants distributors from abrupt cancellations by their suppliers but was unsuccessful.
In 2001 Haycock decides to change the pension trust to a 401 and decides to sell the property.
In 2002 Reid buys the property–which once sold for $8,400 an acre and is appraised at $2,144 an acre by the county assessor–for the lofty sum of $166 an acre.
Six months later Harry again introduces legislation for lubricants distributors (remember what I told you to remember).
Since buying the property, Harry has pushed hard for a new bridge to run near his windfall property, but claims a new bridge will not affect the value of his property.
And Harry, you probably think people believe that, too.
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January 30, 2007
According to reports, Sheldon G. Adelson — chairman of the Las Vegas Sands Corp. and the nation’s third wealthiest man — gave $1 million to another chairman, Newt Gingrich…well actually to his “American Solutions for Winning the Future.”
The organization is promoting a new Contract with America for the 21st Century, which is the name of Newt’s new hardcover release..
Before you laugh, the first contract was so successful that former Democratic president, Bill Clinton, claimed credit simply by signing many of the points into law.
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January 23, 2007
The State of the State
Remarks by Governor Jim Gibbons [with my remarks in brackets -Pokerprof
to the 74th Session of the Nevada Legislature
[Introduction: Feel free to skip reading this until the next bracket]
Speaker Buckley, Majority Leader Raggio, Lieutenant Governor Krolicki, members of the Senate and Assembly, honorable Justices of the Supreme Court, constitutional officers, distinguished guests, and my fellow citizens: It is indeed a pleasure to be here. As the 29th Governor of Nevada, I am humbled and privileged to appear before you tonight and excited to share my vision with you for the future of our great state of Nevada.
Before I do, I would like to thank my wife, Dawn, for her love, insight, guidance and support. As a former member of this Assembly, she’s no stranger to this process, and as First Lady she has already shown her effectiveness, particularly in raising public awareness of the dangers of methamphetamine use. I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my entire family for their many sacrifices and total dedication throughout my 18 years of public life. Thank you.
On this historic occasion, I would like to recognize a remarkable Nevadan who has persevered every day since arriving in Las Vegas in 1980. Please join me in saluting Barbara Buckley as the first female speaker in Nevada history. She and I have proven we can effectively work together, as we did in suspending the nurses’ strike in Las Vegas last month, and I am confident we can build upon our past success by mutually rejecting the counterproductive tug and pull of partisan politics. Please rise as I become the first Nevada Governor to say these words: Madame Speaker, I congratulate you and look forward to working with you to create long-term, meaningful results for all Nevadans.
I was first elected to the Nevada Assembly in 1989 and I am especially delighted to work again in this chamber. Tonight I would like to recognize my colleagues from that 1989 Assembly, who continue to devote countless hours working for the citizens of Nevada. Mr. Marvel, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Arberry and Senator McGinness, it’s a pleasure to work with you again.
I want to also welcome incoming freshmen legislators Senator Joyce Woodhouse and Assembly members Bob Beers, David Bobzien, Ty Cobb, Ed Goedhart, Ruben Kihuen, James Ohrenschall, Tick Segerblom, James Settlemeyer, Lynn Stewart and Rosemary Womack. Welcome, and I look forward to working with you.
Lastly, I want to thank all of those people who agreed to serve on my transition team, especially former Governors List and Bryan and Lieutenant Governor Hunt. I value your input and support. And, as my friends in the press have pointed out, for the handful of you who are not on my transition team, I value your input, too.
[End introduction and start actual content…]
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January 22, 2007
I’m giving the check mark to Governor Bill Richardson as the next President of the United States. A crazy predicition based on more fiction than fact? Maybe, but that’s just the way I see it. Yes I know he hasn’t even declared himself as a presidential candidate, but he will, probably sooner rather than later. I also know he has to receive the Democartic party nomination and he will, so all that’s left is victory at the polls and the early returns say that’s gonna happen, too.
Bill Richardson will provide the country with the healing leadership required to overcome the eight years of carnage from Tex Junior’s run amok run of the executive office. Richardson has also demonstrated numerous times his successful negotiation skills at the national and world level. He is known as the man that can get the cronically differing factions to sit down, talk and agree to common sense solutions. He is a diplomat of the highest order with impeccable credentials.
And his other qualifications for the office? (Any qualifications at all places him way ahead of the last guy.) He’s served in Congress, filled a presidential cabinet post and is currently serving as Governor of New Mexico. Bill Richardson is the guy you call when you’re out of options and there’s a critical job that must be done.
I will be looking closely at the qualifications, accomplishments and life of Governor Bill Richardson and providing my findings here.
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January 16, 2007
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid came into town this weekend to solidify the ‘Key Test for the Westt’ billing for Nevada political future, at least from the Democratic stand-point. As it stands Carson City will kick off a series of forums (2) and debates (3). The final of which is set for Jan 15 here in Vegas, just ahead of the Jan 19th caucus. [NC Times][LA Times][Gleaner]
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January 12, 2007
Can’t see this video? Click here.
Make of this definition dispute what you will, it’s good to see some measure of reform in the Senate.
For the whole story I suggesting starting with the Citizens against Government Waste section on earmark’s.
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January 5, 2007
Jim Gibbons has appointed (former) lobbiest, Mendy Elliot as the Director of the Department of Business & Industry. I’m sure bankers are in a state of euphoric glee.
Gibbons has also altered the State employee raises for the next two years, changing it from a 3% this year and 3% next year to 2% and 4% respectively. A change that will reportedly save Nevada 31 million dollars. Also, being back on the DHS high risk list is apparently all Gibbons doing, according to his press release.
Finally Gibbons secret midnight inauguration has a logical explanation, it allows Gibbons to review outgoing Governor Guinn’s appointments to the almost omnipotent Gaming Control Board, which is exactly what he is doing. [VGO]
Mr. Gibbons, the eyes of Nevada are on you, and we’re entering an age when that means something.
Next up, is Rep Shelley Berkley is being made a Senior Whip, which in addition to her coveted Ways and Means committee seat makes her quite a powerhouse. [LVG]
Finally, Harry Reid is more than in the news these days as the Senate Majority Leader. I found a fair summary of the contradiction that is Harry Reid. And hope he seriously considers the ramifications of being party to sending more troops into Vietnam Iraq… meaning if we continue to see the status quo or (as I expect) an escalation in the death toll the American People will be hard pressed to forgive those who empowered George Bush to expand this mess… you don’t put out a grease fire by throwing more grease on it.
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January 4, 2007
Will the promises be kept? 100 hours for the agenda, starting with ethics reform…
Not included in the agenda is Iraq, for which Bush proposes a troop surge…
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December 29, 2006
With a few new “concessions” to appease Democrats (damn the consumer), AT&T;’s acquisition of BellSouth draws ever closer and is nigh unstoppable at this point given that the deal may be approved as early as today.
(Reuters)” The No. 1 U.S. telephone carrier said it would sell off certain wireless airwaves in the 2.5 gigahertz band, offer a $19.95 per month stand-alone basic high-speed Internet service and for up to 24 months would not charge content providers like Google Inc.[…] to speed their services to consumers.”
Continue reading “”AT&T;’s New Warhammer Nearly Complete,” say FCC blacksmiths.” »
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38th President of the United States
I will always remember President Ford as the Commander in Chief when Saigon fell and the Vietnam War finally came to an end. He was the only person to serve as President of the United States without having been elected, succeeding to the office as the 38th US President after Richard Nixon resigned. President Ford received the country’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, in 1999 for his unselfish act of courage.
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December 28, 2006
New Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided to continue on with his trip to South America instead of attending the funneral of former President Gerald Ford who passed away on Tuesday.
According to a Yahoo news blurb:
“Incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will miss the state funeral for former President Gerald Ford at the Capitol Rotunda on Saturday night, opting instead to lead a delegation to South America with an expected stop at the Machu Picchu Inca ruins.”
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John Edwards announced his Presidential Candidacy, not on a television show, but rather on his website. Edward’s is considered by many to be one of the top three candidates the Democratic party.
[Washington Post]
The Gibbons scandal continues to linger on and while the charges against our new Governor have been dropped for a lack of sufficient evidence a second investigation continues into Gibbons associates impeding and obstructing the legal process. I predict nothing will come of this. [CBS]
Finally I leave you with a Barney Frank Bill O’Reilly Interview on the topic of income redistribution.
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December 26, 2006
The Gleaner has been running his unofficial unscientific democratic caucus presidential candidate survey for a couple of days and so far the top three contenders are Bill Richardson with 19% of the vote, Barack Obama with 22% and leading the way is Al Gore with an astounding 25%, either Gleaner’s readers have a Gore bias or the new penguin flick did more from global warming awareness then I thought. Others worth mentioning include John Edwards with 16% and Hillary Clinton whose tied with Gen. Wesley Clark at 9%.
Personally I’m leaning towards Bill Richardson both as a person and a policy maker. The fact that he’s one of the worlds great diplomats is a major plus too.
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December 20, 2006
Let’s see. I learned that Laura Bush has a bit of the skin cancer on her leg. It’s good that I know that because it reminds me of the inherent and ever present danger posed by the (some might say, Islamofacist) sun. I learned that the search for the three hikers on the mountain is scaling down, but the “human drama” (and consequent news coverage) still has plenty of get up and go. I also was informed, however briefly, that the reports are out saying inflation has increased by 2%, rather than the expected 0.5%. Directly following this was an oblique report about how scary it was that holiday sales are lower than expected. It was the “expected” that got me thinking. Therefore, I, being a good American promptly went out and maxed out all of my credit cards.
I’m not worried. Soon, everyone will do the same after realizing their obvious folly. See it works like this. If we buy more stuff (as analysts expect), the economy does good, and that makes us all feel good. It’s what being American is about. If one says that they don’t feel good about something, well, that just seems un-American, and that makes me feel not good. If I feel not good then it must mean that I am becoming un-American and I certainly don’t want that. I should probably go buy something now, just in case. I’m sure there’s a new upgrade to something out there that I need.
Here’s what I missed.
“Bush, who gave an interview to the newspaper on Tuesday, said he had instructed new Defense Secretary Robert Gates to report back to him with a plan to increase ground forces, the Post said.”
The article went on to state:
“It is an accurate reflection that this ideological war we’re in is going to last for a while and that we’re going to need a military that’s capable of being able to sustain our efforts and to help us achieve peace,” he said.
Why didn’t I see it before? It was probably all of that unbidden freedom of speech drowning out my ability to properly relax. Thanks to Newt telling me why, I’m firmly committed to shutting that stuff down ASAP. Remember, can’t relax, can’t feel good, can’t be American. If you don’t feel good about the Glorious War, I don’t blame you, and neither does George. He realizes, like you probably do, that the reason you’re worried is that we’re losing. But he also realizes, like you probably don’t, that the reason we’re losing is that we haven’t thrown enough bodies onto the pyre. I mean, what do we expect? Any idiot knows that the only way to make peace is to deal more death, and to do that one has to have more troops. Jaysus, you people have no idea what it is to lead. You just go on your merry way not buying stuff and free speeching it up when the country has serious war business to attend to.
“Gen. James Conway, the commander of the U.S. Marine Corps, also has expressed concerns about the strains being placed on his force and suggested last month it may need to grow.”
Just like the economy. Is it coming into focus now? This is the call for all good Americans to get out there and “shock and awe” some analyst expectations with our mighty debt.
With the largest ever naval deployment to Persian Gulf, a healthy injection of troops, and a grateful public wielding a mighty debt hammer, we’ll have those dangerous terrorists crushed in no time and then we can finally deal with that nasty sun.
Feels just like a Mission Accomplished.
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December 19, 2006
In the October of 2001 Senators Daschle and Leahy received some anthrax in the mail. Congress was completely shut down. In the beginnings of the oppressive hysteria that followed 9/11, this incident was the sneeze that sent America headlong over the edge of the abyss. Recall, if you will (and if you can’t recall, look it up), that these attacks conveniently targeted the two biggest detractors of the Patriot Act which at the time had a great deal of ramming force behind it-a Patriot Act that was sitting on John Ashcroft’s desk on Sept. 10 (for the numerically challenged, that’s before 9/11).
Five Years Later.
Five years and no updates-I wonder quite often these days why they haven’t been screaming much louder at this outrage much sooner. If this was you, or one of your family/friends, would you sit patiently and wait? And hey, perhaps they have been screaming long and loud, but the media just now decided it was time to let the braindeads know. It doesn’t seem too unreasonable seeing that the only thing that got any real news coverage beyond the sound bite (or what whizzed by on the hard-hitting ticker) in the US today was a serial killer suspect in Britain, a blurb about Robert Gates private swearing in ceremony, and three guys who are lost (and likely dead) on a mountain. Thank goodness there’s not too much else going on in the world-I might be inclined not to pay any attention to what they tell me (oh, wait).
Perhaps these Senators have been patient and hopeful because they have an idea of what they are really up against.
The thing that separates what happened to these senators (and their staff, some of whom were killed) from the rest of the folks involved was that it was anthrax in its most potent form–as in super weapons grade-a potency that, properly analyzed and investigated, would have led back to very few places, all of them within our government.
So says me? So says Robert Boyle. From the article:
Boyle is a leading American professor, practitioner and advocate of international law. He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. He served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia- Herzegovina at the World Court. Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University.
I’m sure if anyone is going to know about this subject, he likely will.
In case your curiosity still isn’t piqued-perhaps you would like to hear from the horses mouth(click to listen to the stream-Dr. Boyles interview will be in hour three and will keep refeeding until the next live stream tomorrow. If your reading this after 12/18 just dig around, you’ll find it.)
It was shortly after Dr. Boyles went to the FBI with his info that the spore database in Ames, IA was ordered destroyed. The FBI has been completely mum on the subject since the first Patriot Act was successfully rammed through. When this tyrannical piece of legislation came up for renewal and was facing a heavier resistance, the same pattern of activity repeated, only this time with alarms relating to nerve agents that cleared out the Senate.
All in a long line of government sponsored terror that has been with us for decades. I can’t help but wonder what our governmental nannies might have in store for us and/or the world over the holidays. Hopefully nothing. Perhaps they’ll be taking a break with a tastefully thrown and terrorist-free holiday extravaganza hosted by Pastor Taggert. All you can eat gay hookers and meth–don’t forget the navel mistletoe at the door!
This is government holding the reigns of our future. This is the administration, rife with war hungry neocons and Zionists, that is killing us. This is the government that seeks to intrude on your life in an ever-increasing manner. This is the government that, if it’s corruption was combined and placed in a photograph, would look like a leprosotic and overused hooker vagina pulsing with a virulent strain of ghonnorratic syphillitosis of the most advanced stage. This is our government that routinely tries, and often succeeds, with efforts to pass legislation that “helps” us by stripping one and all of every last liberty. Pathetically ignorant legislators do what they are told as the bordering-on-retarded-but-oh-so-festivally-plump citizen mass heeds the droning clarion call for new and larger wars, new and larger heaps of human misery. The list is so long it threatens the very cycle of the 24 hour day just trying to mention it all.
Patrick Leahy will take his seat at the head of the table on the Senate Judiciary Committee when the new congress convenes in January, and it is there that he will have his greatest real opportunity to begin using his subpoena power to start the arrest of this frenetic unreality. It may also be the last, as he represents a final few that might have the integrity along with the courage to do so. It’s not just one of the last chances for him get closer to the truth personally, but a last chance for Americans to get closer to the truth as a country. Pray that he uses it. Demand that he use it. Contact the Senator and let him know that there are still thinking Americans that are behind him that will help him push for the truth that is so desperately lacking.
Bipartisanship be goddamned.Read more from the Human Head at his blog.
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December 18, 2006
Nevada’s own white knight, Harry Reid (pictured right), together with Bill Clinton are making sure the Las Vegas Presidential Democratic Caucus meet everyone’s expectations. Set for January 19, 2008 the eyes of the Nation will turn to Sin City for this political experiment. According to the source article the focus for Nevada will be “water rights, nuclear waste disposal, health care, education and maintaining military installations”. [From WRAL Via LVG]
The Gibbons transition team is now over 200 strong and Gibbons own communication director, Brent Boynton notes that “because the meetings are in the hands of the various committee chairs, the Gibbons team doesn’t know who has met or how often.” Indeed. [Sun]
In other news Monty Partners a law firm specializing in immigration, employment law and labor relations has opened a Henderson Office, making this piece on Immigration from LVIB a bit more interesting, however, I believe the importance of Immigration is slightly exaggerated as I believe the topic on most American minds if the all-mighty SNAFU that is Iraq and more broadly the Middle-East.
For more on the web check out Raghand, another Vegas local.
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December 13, 2006
Interesting to see a State with so few citizens gain control over so much of the national political real estate. The most recent sign of Nevada’s political ascension comes from Rep. Shelly Berkley being named to the House Ways and Means Committee; that is, the committee that holds the Congressional purse strings.
Rep. Berkley is beginning her fifth congressional term and will be vacating her seats on the Veterans’ Affairs, International Relations and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees
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December 12, 2006
The latest clear cut case of purchased legislation puts an entrepreneur out of business and raises the price of milk .20 cents or so. For Reid’s part, he was a major force throughout this legislation and thanks to some crafty political posturing Reid was able to get the milk industry protection through the Senate with barely a whisper.
The bill was written by Charles M. English Jr. of Thelen Reid & Priest on Behalf of his clients which include Dean Foods, Shamrock Foods, United Dairymen of Arizona and the Dairy Institute of California. Reid was tapped by tapped by David Coon, VP at Anderson Dairy, which is building a new $40 million dollar facility here in Vegas. [Washington Post]
In other news, smokers can rejoice as a court ordered injunction keeps Question 5 at bay, at least, for a couple of weeks. The complaint raises an Article 5, unconstitutional for vagueness issue for every term and phrase used. More realistically it raises an Article 14 discrimination argument which basically says the passage of Quiestion #5 unfairly discriminates against small business owners. This has some meat to it since the big gaming entities have a comfortable exception carved out and only the stand alone bars, taverns and saloons are really forced to bear the incredible economic weight of this misguided effort to restrict freedom of both person and property.
The full text of the complaint. [Vegas Pundit]
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December 8, 2006
[Small update on the patch: Comes from the F117 program and a as close as you’ll get to the real thing is for sale at the Bell Weather Gallery]
Trevor Paglen who has taken numerous photos of classified, need to know etc… objects and people is putting on his latest exhibit which features a lot of Las Vegas shots.
It also includes “Salt Pit”, Shomali Plains Northeast of Kabul, Afghanistan (2006) the most infamous of the CIA’s secret prisons, ten minutes outside of Kabul… lovely. The exhibit, sadly, is being displayed in New York at Bellwether Gallery, 134 Tenth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001.
Of course, all I really want is the patch pictured to the right.
Story and source image from Artnet
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November 28, 2006
Eleven to ten, that’s the margin of control afforded Republicans in the Nevada State Legislature…one seat! Now, using every effort imaginable Reno Republican Majority Leader, Bill Raggio, seeks to ensure that Republicans continue to control all the committees.
Now it’s set up with 21 total members, 9 committees with 7 members each. The current (and quite fair method) puts each member on three committees. Of course, this means that with the slim margin of majority the Republicans stand to lose control of 3 of the 9 committees. Majority Leader Bill Raggio (Reno) comes forward with his solution to this Republican dilemma. Simply reduce the membership for 3 of the committees from 7 to only 5; allowing Republicans to retain total control with thier single seat majority.
The biggest problem I see with this political genocide is it allows a narrow, unpopular majority to take total control the Nevada State Legislature–and be it Democrat, Republican, GreenThumb or Wig–allowing such total control by any majority party can have devastating consequences for every citizen. Remember, Absolute power corrupts…absolutely.
Let the minority have 3 of the 9, let our representatives re-learn the art of negotiation, compromise and reason. Let’s pay attention to people like Bill Raggio, people who decide so many elements of our government. The greater a politician’s interest in continually seeking total dominating power, then the closer our collective scrutiny should look. Put these power addicted individuals under the public microscope because they will require constant monitoring and supervision.
Read more over at the LVRJ and LVG
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November 27, 2006

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman.
New scrutiny is directed at the ‘happiest mayor in the United States’, with the running a scathing article on ‘Vegas Juice’ that outsiders face. At the same time the Nevada Ethics Commission has agreed to take jurisdiction over a Steve Miller complaint where-in Steve points out the numerous relationships and tie-in’s that exist between the Mayor, his former law firm of Goodman, Chesnoff & Keach and the recent owners of the Crazy Horse 2.
The problem partially stems from the owners of the Crazy Horse 2 being “bad neighbors” and allowing an over-the-top number of falling down drunks loose on our streets. I say Partially because the Crazy Horse 2 has done its share to remain a high profile joint getting negative reviews; but, more so because former City Counsel member Steve Miller is so phenomenally good at being a pain in the ass.
In a nutshell, Hizzoner Oscar has been wonderful for Las Vegas and the it’s image. If we are a people that can look past our Nation’s Vice President shooting people, I certainly believe we can look past Oscar Good being one of the best Criminal Defense Attorneys in the World, after all, the only thing the Mayor is guilty of is being himself.
I, for one, sincerely hope Mayor Goodman renews his Senate interest after he wins his 3rd (and final) term as the Mayor of Las Vegas.
Goodman loves Las Vegas, and judging by the ever expanding, ever prospering and ever entertaining local scene, I’d say he doing a fine job keeping Las Vegas on the very top as the Entertainment Capitol of the World.
Given a choice between politicians and the mob, I’ll take the Mob…at least they are honest about cheating you.
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November 21, 2006
From USA Today:
Nevada’s caucuses will be in January 2008, between the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. The DNC wanted to move up a racially diverse state and to please Las Vegas’ powerhouse, 60,000-member Culinary Union, says Michael Gehrke of the Senate Majority Project, a Democratic group separate from the party.
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November 20, 2006
From Raghand I see that campaign finance reform is never going to happen. The Democrats, now in a position to change it, are suddenly uninterested in altering our money driven political system.
From Gleaner I see that Harry Reid isn’t only a powerful politician, but also, a powerful member of the Mormon Church, not just another parishioner.
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