Las Vegas locals joint Sam’s Town is suffering from a rash of robberies of their customers and I say this from first hand experience. My spouse has now been robbed twice while playing slots at the Boulder Highway casino. The first time she actually ran the guy and restrained him until security caught up. He was handed over to Metro police and prosecuted thanks to her efforts which included a trip to court to testify resulting in the crook receiving jail time.

Last evening she was playing at the Boyd Gaming owned Boulder Highway Casino and once again she was approached by a down and outer and subsequently robbed. This time the perp got away with her cash. The property has fallen into a state of dereliction along with the surrounding neighborhood and the apparent lack of adequate security has made the joint easy pickings for the fleet of foot crooks. Sam’s Town clientele includes many retired elderly players and that appears to be a magnet for anyone looking for a quick cash grab.

You’d think this should be the end of this sordid tale but after suffering the trauma of being robbed for the second time while inside the casino the wife was then berated by the on-duty slot manager and he implied that since this was her second time to be robbed it was something she was doing that was causing the trouble.

Since the first incident a number of patrons have come forward and shared their horror stories of robberies, purse snatchings, and threats from the gangs often seen trekking through the casino. Anyone wanting to experience a strong arm robbery, loss of money, fear for personal safety, and management that will then blame you should, by all means, go to Sam’s Town. My advice is to stay far, far away from the place until they clean up their act, hire more security, and train their staff to respond to traumatized customers with a bit more compassion. Players have many choices of places to play in Las Vegas that won’t subject them to a crime.