The Tropicana Hotel & Casino with the Excalibur Resort.
I read the Prof’s article about the state of poker blogging. I guess I didn’t realize how complicated and competitive the blogging business has become. I was not aware of how crowded the blog-rolls are with new blogs, pseudo-blogs, link farms called blogs, outright for profit only blogs and the old, well established poker blogs. Reading the comments the article garnered indicates that there is some confusion as to what a blog or blogger really is and what you must do to become a certified, verified, genuine poker blogger.
The definition of both a blog and a blogger can be a bit confusing and includes a lot of grey area. An actual dictionary definition is a rare thing but one of the few I found says:
blog (bl g) n. A weblog. intr.v. blogged, blog ging, blogs To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog
Not really a lot of help, but at least it gives a general idea of what a blog might be. I have added my own thoughts to the blog definition in order to help clarify this mystery of who qualifies as a blogger. I have listed the ways for you to know if you are maybe becoming a blogger. This week’s Nines…
The Top Nine Ways to Know You May be a Poker Blogger.
9. You claim you have to play online poker twenty hours everyday to have something to blog about.
8. You often lapse into HTML during a normal conversation.
7. “Affiliate” is the most hated word you know.
6. You can hyperlink more than four hundred poker bloggers from memory.
5. You think Dr. Pauly’s birthday is a national holiday.
4. You can write ten paragraphs about one badbeat.
3. You not only know someone named “Mrs. Al Can’t Hang,” but have actually met her.
2. You have sudden, unexplained urges to consume large quanities of Southern Comfort.
1. You named your first child Iggy!
The night time Las Vegas Tropicana Casino entrance.