This past year I’ve driven hundreds of miles, walked untold miles carrying heavy camera things hanging from neck straps, watched thousands of hands of poker, listened to hours of bad beat stories, committed to memory hundreds of faces and names, and pressed the shutter thousands of times hoping for a thin slice of poker history. The job’s not that bad if you can get past the ‘pack animal part’ and would likely be considered fun by most. I get to do all the above mentioned rants while hanging out at the grand resorts of Las Vegas, dining in the great restaurants, and those hundreds of hard driving miles? All were driven on the famous Las Vegas strip. A few more photos from my 2006 poker collection.
I get to hang with the game’s great players and characters, all the while trying to capture that special look of an environmental portrait. When I’m not taking photos of poker players I’m taking photos of my hometown of Las Vegas, a place so photogenic you have to work at taking a bad photo.